Wii/Gamecube comparision of CARS

Below, you can see screenshots of the the Wii version, and the Gamecube version of Cars. You can cleary see a graphical difference. It looks pretty good too, its nothing "HOLY CRAP" amazing, but on a Nintendo console, it looks pretty cool.


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48 Responses to “Wii/Gamecube comparision of CARS”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    good. this should shut some people up.

    nice post :)  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Yeah, it'll shut the people up who are claiming Wii is much more than Cube*2  

  3. # Blogger Ryan Ong

    It is a cube*2. Just imagine a 500mhz Prossessor upping to a 1ghz and then doubling a 64mb video card to 128.
    That is a pretty good upgrade in my opinion.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If you say it's a Cube*2, you're missing the entire point of the Wii. It's not meant to be a technological wonder, it's meant to reinvent the gaming industry. If you want kickass graphics and the same controller, go buy a PS3 or an XBox 360, if you want to embrace a new idea of video games, then buy a Wii.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    GC 1.5. zzz zzz zzz  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Lets compare graphics by using two different screen shots. When you do comparisons use the same shot. As far as i am concerned the Wii is Gamecube 1.5 and you can find proof of it here: http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/gekko/wiis-brain-a-faster-cooler-gamecube-brain-211299.php  

  7. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Oh Kotaku, great source... pff!  

  8. # Anonymous Anonymous

    To the last to anonymous ppl:

    It doesn't matter what you think your still wrong and will never be right....PS3/360 fanboys that will have a Wii in about a yr after one of there systems break for the 5th time.  

  9. # Blogger General Pen

    why waste your breathe defending the wii there will always be haters i think that this time next year all consoles will be doing much better that the hype says after all the 360 has had alot of updates since release so expect the same from the other companys, also i own all three last gen consoles and am planning on buy all three this time to (will just wait abit for ps3) my xbox and ps2 both broke at least once (ps2 twice) my gamecube was bought on release day and is still working fine my xbox 360 has been in for repair and i exspect the ps3 to have a high failer rate so the money is with nintendo at the moment  

  10. # Anonymous Anonymous


    I didn't buy an HDTV so I could play with a fun controller. I want the best looking games my money can buy.

    With that said... I think my wife and my 5 year old are excited about the wii.  

  11. # Anonymous Anonymous

    general pen,

    I agree with your statements. I just want to point out that it is very hard to read a comment with no punctuation and poor spelling.  

  12. # Blogger Chris

    I never understood the whole fanboy thing, Gamecube 1.5 this, wah wah graphics that.. is this an election where in the end we can only purchase one system?

    Everyone settle down and go spend your money like good little consumers - I'll be putting mine into a GameCube times AWESOME.  

  13. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Why can't we have great graphics and a "cool new controller"? Seems pretty lame to sell a whole new system for a mediocre boost in graphics but a really cool controller.

    And why bash the Xbox 360 and PS3 when they could come out with a Wii type controller at any time?  

  14. # Anonymous Anonymous

    The PS3, XBOX, and Wii are three differently tasked systems. This argument over which system is better is like arguing "which is better, a taurus, a hummer, or a power wheels." If you like to play games, get a Wii, if you like to get immersed in games, get an XBOX360, if you like to get immersed in games and have a crapload of money, get a PS3.

    Personally, the only reason i'm getting a Wii is because they dont make Wii controllers for my PC.  

  15. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Good this really has worth

    i haved bloged this
    here : http://thundafunda.com/Blogg/?cat=7  

  16. # Blogger Unknown

    this whole stupid discussion needs to understand this...

    DS vs PSP...  

  17. # Anonymous Anonymous

    What is the difference between the wii and the xbox 360 and PS3, all three systems are upgrades from previous console.

    One can argue that there is a bigger difference from the PS2 to PS3 and from Xbox to Xbox360, but in my book they are all the same thing.

    So what if your console have graphics and CPU capabilty of my PC?

    FPS will always be better without a joystiq.

    Fantasy game is the same on PC and on a console.

    Puzzle games are usualy easier with a mouse.

    Forget about RTS on console, this is the worst type of game for it.

    The only upper-hand in my book for console are action type game ie: GTA, ratchet and klank, mortal kombat and Mario Bros, and for racing games (if you have no joystiq on your computer).

    So what if it's a GC 2 (1.5 or 5.8) ? You are buying a freaking PS3 and a XBOX2. An upgrade is an upgrade, if you are not satisfied with the CPU and graphic power of the WII it's ok, but you are in the same boat with other console, they are only upgrades from previous consoles.

    I go for innovation, not sheer power, for that computer will always have the upper hand.  

  18. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I may be wrong but the GC picture looks like a cinematic while the Wii picture is acutal gameplay.

    Apples to Oranges if I'm not mistaken.  

  19. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I don't doubt the Wii is more powerful than the gamecube. But the Wii shot could have easily been done on the gamecube if they had simply spent more time on the original game.  

  20. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Nintendo still has some big news to deliver about the Wii and I suspect it will finally reveal the true power of the Wii's Broadway/Hollywood chipset.

    Remember the Wii's GPU was designed with ATI and I really think Nintendo has been underselling the true graphical power of the Wii for whatever reason and that soon we will all be learning the REAL capabilities of Nintendo's Wii.

    Even if the graphics aren't a huge leap forward, the gameplay innovations more than make up for any graphics shortfall (real or imagined).  

  21. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I can gurantee you that the Wii version of cars looks no different from the gamecube version. I've been looking at people play it for the past month and I can honestly say that the graphics don't look far off from those of a PS2. Though, I wouldn't say that has anything to do with the graphical power of the Wii. Its more because this game is a port from the last gen systems and the developer didn't put any extra effort into making it look better.  

  22. # Anonymous Anonymous




  23. # Anonymous Anonymous





  24. # Anonymous Anonymous

    bouhou, what graphic upgrade? still sucks.  

  25. # Anonymous Anonymous

    which screenshot is which?  

  26. # Blogger Just a Blog !

    Oh Wow I get to play a game with CARS !

    One Screen shot does not justify how good the graphics are.  

  27. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I actually think the gamecube version looks better.

    It seems like they used the extra resolution of the Wii because it was there, not because it matched the source movie.

    A step down.

    What next , realistic fur and battle scars on my pokemon?  

  28. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If I understand this correctly, I will have to donate my knuckle children to buy a 360 so I can play yet another FPS or sports clone. Or, I could sell my soul to satan, take out a mortgage, and visit my local loan shark to obtain a PS3 and play an RPG I can get into. Or, lastly, I can shell out the amount of money deemed plausible for a GC 2 and play some games that are at least attempting to be different from the masses, though they may not be 1080P.

    From a cheapbastard's point of view, I gotta admit the idea of investing upwards of $2k just so I can see jaggies more clearly doesn't seem worth my effort. Were I to invest in a console, the Wii would probably get my vote. I'll let my roomies invest in the expensive ones.

    On a side note, the best HD option in my opinion would be for my computer...at least then I could watch my porn collection in higher detail.  

  29. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Have you noticed how Nintendo is the only system that didn't reuse their previous systems name? xbox-xbox360... so clever! ps2 - ps3... ingenious! However, Nintendo is also the only one accused of having a gamecube 2.

    The PS3 is SO POWERFUL that it can't run a PS2 or PS1 emulator! Dang, that's space age!

    And then, who cares? I'm going to buy what I want and you will buy what you want. I can say mine is better than yours cause its MINE.

    ALl this stupid arguing is annoying. Some people think that posting a bunch of comments on news sites is going to change the future. Good luck with that. Oh, and no one should care what I think, you think or anyone thinks about what game system they buy or think is best. Like it gives you bigger balls or something.  

  30. # Blogger Unknown

    meh. graphics aren't what I care about.

    It's the revolotionary controllers that I've waited decades for.

    yes. decades. Controllers have been pretty much the same since what, the atari? It's time for change.  

  31. # Anonymous Anonymous

    hold on...

    And how is xbox 360 and ps3 NOT xbox 1.5 and ps2.5?

    god people are ignorant.  

  32. # Blogger Kevin

    So on the Wii, the car is the wrong color but otherwise looks the same.  

  33. # Anonymous Anonymous

    for the hd-fanboys out there, good job, youve prooven that when a company boasts, you buy...

    honostly, its a slight upgrade... sweat, grass, hair, wrinkles?

    wow great, i love pausing games to enjoy these sights

    as long as a game has a round ball instead of a polygon then i see no reason to spend more money.

    honostly, all 3 systems are great, but the price decides what its worth.

    the point of this: use a better argument than hd!... when people talk about wii they say:
    free online
    red steal
    motion sensing
    mii storage
    other secrets
    not to mention other wii secrets

    hd graphs (use most)
    ones i have never seen for ps3:
    sixaxis (which is a rippoff of nintendo neways)
    and lots of media stuff (which is pointless because you might as well get a computer, because you can upgrade it)

    and finally the xbox doesnt really needed to be argued for, its the middle man... the medium... for graphs and gameplay... its the "traditional system" and its great where it is, doesnt need anything stupid.  

  34. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I wish people would get something through their heads! It doesn't really matter which has better graphics, in the end it will be the games that matter. So far Zelda looks to be a better launch title than anything currently coming out for PS3(not graphically), RFOM (PS3)looks good, but in the end it will be just another shooter. Great games like Zelda, Halo, and Final Fantasy have staying power, and the system that has the most staying power games will win. For now I'm buying a Wii, when Sony gets a few games I really want(not just one with that price tag) I might buy it (when the price goes down). Wii's controller is interesting and will hopefully lead to more original staying power games. If it can not and the Wii fails, lets really hope Virtual Console is worth $250. Of course Zelda, Mario, and Metroid are worth that.  

  35. # Blogger Unknown

    More shaders and lighting are supported now from what I can see. Its nice and im excited. Not to much different in poly count though. Its nintendo... i have no worries. They have always been about satisfaction and originality and who can beat 60+ titles on launch day?  

  36. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Ok that Ryan guy that posted closer to the top is a total NERD!!!!!!!!!!! Look at what he wrote! :P NERD!  

  37. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If you guys want the best graphics that money can buy...get a computer with a nice graphics card.  

  38. # Anonymous Anonymous

    when people think wii they think:

    memory storage
    light gun attachment/Zapper 2?
    (think Resident Evil)
    YOUTUBE on my TELEVISION! (what a concept)
    weather (meh)
    USB ports (ipod compatible? hmmm..)
    Despite what people think I have heard the Wii will in fact play DVDs

    GAMES on launch:
    red steel
    excite truck
    Wii Sports
    Wii Play
    need 4 speed(because of controller)

    FUTURE games:
    STAR WARS (lightsaber battles with the wiimote)
    Resident Evil
    VC games

    $250 pricetag
    not to mention other wii secrets

    when people think PS3 they think:

    HD graphics (ok, if you have an HD screen and everything that goes along with it you get 1080p, pretty damn nice)
    Blu-Ray discs (next gen. ok maybe, but I must say I am impressed with the storage capacity)
    Media stuff (Sony could not support online gaming very well in the past due to *coughcough* unknown interference *coughmicrosoftcough* we'll see what happens)
    7 bluetooth controller support (damn, I wish nintendo had done more than 4 I mean come on, its WIRELESS)
    Plays DVDs

    PROJECT 8 (wow)
    tom clancy
    fall of man
    fight night round 3(rather play it on Wii)
    need 4 speed (because of graphics)

    $500-$600 + pricetag

    and finally I think I agree that the xbox doesnt really needed to be argued for, its the middle man... the medium... its kind of set a standard.
    oh yea
    and USB ports

    HALO 3
    PROJECT 8(why couldn't nintendo have this title damnit!)
    spliner cell
    civil war
    star trek

    $300-$500 pricetag

    In conclusion best being the first

    PS3-5 points
    360-3 points
    Wii-2 points

    OS interaction and functionality:

    Gaming innovation:

    Backwards Compatibility:
    (all consoles are backwards compatible, so it was a close run but)
    Wii-3 (because of VC)
    PS3-2 (because there were 2 before it and it plays all PS, PS2, and PS3 games)
    360-1 (well, it came last so it comes last)


    And looks like the Wii wins to me!


    Biased? maybe...

    But seriously here, they're all great systems its all wht you're looking for (and how much dough you're willing to fork out)  

  39. # Anonymous Anonymous

    also I'd just like to point out:


    26. Does the Wii support DVD playback?

    Yes, the Wii can read and play DVD’s

    27. Will the Wii play DVD Movies?

    No, the Wii will not have built-in DVD movie playback, although a separate add-on is more than likely in development.

    -(most likely a downloadable feature more than likely to be on Wii24Connect or whatever its called)  

  40. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Sony Sucks.  

  41. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Yeah. Totally. Teh suxorez.  

  42. # Anonymous Anonymous

    >Have you noticed how Nintendo is
    >the only system that didn't reuse
    >their previous systems name?
    >xbox-xbox360... so clever!
    >ps2 - ps3... ingenious!
    >However, Nintendo is also the
    >only one accused of having a
    >gamecube 2

    No, they had to scrap the idea when they realized that using the same h/w as in gc hardly qualified for calling it "GC2" - and "GC1.5" didn't sound good either (even if it's as accurate as it can be), so it had to be smth completely different: "Wii".  

  43. # Anonymous Anonymous

    SfPbzo The best blog you have!  

  44. # Anonymous Anonymous

    xFBedg actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.  

  45. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Thanks to author.  

  46. # Anonymous Anonymous

    actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.  

  47. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Thanks to author.  

  48. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Thanks to author.  

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