New Virtual Console titles announced
0 Comments Published by Sean J on Wednesday, November 08, 2006 at 7:35 AM.

* Duck Hunt (E for Everyone)
* Hogan's Alley (E for Everyone)
* Kid Icarus (E for Everyone)
* Kirby's Adventure (E for Everyone)
* Pilot Wings (E for Everyone)
* Pro Wrestling (E for Everyone)
* Punch-Out (E for Everyone)
* Wild Gunman (E for Everyone)
We cannot verify whether or not they will be coming out at launch, but more likely than not, you will be able to pick them up, or download them, by the end of the year.
Interestingly enough, Duckhunt was on the list. It is likely that you will use the Wii-Mote to play this game. Strangely, no N64 games were on the list. The only game for that console that we know of available to download to this date is Super Mario 64.
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