Nintendo World '06 video lineup
10 Comments Published by Sean J on Saturday, November 04, 2006 at 9:50 AM.Hey guys,
Here is a wrapup video of all of the games showed at Nintendo World 2006. A bunch of new games are shown in the video. Games include: Harvest Moon, Day of Crisis footage, Project H.A.M.M.E.R, new Mario Galaxy footage, Smash Bros. Brawl, Battalion Wars 2, Mario Party 8, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Two new puzzel games, Sudoku, new fishing game, new Bomberman, The Dog Island, and more footage of other games.
Oho. Bleach Wii better come to North Amercia. =D
I BLEACH game does look fun, being able to swing the characters sword, how it will work for Orihime I'm not sure. But you also must realise it's an anime fighter, which means it will more then likely suck. Pokemon Battle Revolution also looks awesome. Also we're seeing for the first time some really interesting new titles, such as that scuba game. It also seems like most of the "Japan only" games aren't exactly graphicly amazing.
YLhENK Very good blog! Thanks!
mejeNn Wonderful blog.
Thanks to author.
Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Hello all!
Good job!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.