Xbox 360 price drop isn't close
0 Comments Published by Sean J on Monday, October 30, 2006 at 7:32 AM.

An article from the SeattlePI says
"A Microsoft spokesman said last week that the company has "no plans to adjust the price of the Xbox 360 this year."
Unless the company alters course, that would rule out a price reduction for the upcoming holiday shopping season.
"They'll hold off dropping the price as long as they possibly can," said Matt Rosoff, analyst at independent research firm Directions on Microsoft.
In contrast, Microsoft reduced the price of the original Xbox by $100 six months after its debut. But this time around, the situation is different. In addition to the PS3's price difference, the Xbox 360 has a yearlong head start."
This is bad news for Nintendo fans who were also planning on buying a 360 this holiday season, or soon after. I guess that the 'Wii-60' package will be put on hold for most Nintendo gamers.
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